DAY 37 – OCT 22
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45
If we are to follow the examples of our Lord and Savior, we should make serving others a vital part of our worship. While we are not saved because of our works, we are saved to do the works God has prepared for us (Ephesians 2:8-9). This service will look different in every life and will even change in different seasons of our lives. It is sometimes put this way: if Jesus was living your life right now, what would he be doing to join with what his Father is doing around you? Put differently, look for what God is doing around you and join him there. There will be much joy in this work, but we must keep Jesus at the center of this.
We Pray: Gracious God, thank You for the free gift of salvation (Titus 3:5). Beyond our gratitude, empower us to use this gift for Your glory and make Your name known among those around us. Holy Spirit, fuel in us a desire to serve those around us as the hands and feet of Jesus, so that a hurting world will come to know that You truly love the world (John 3:16). We pray for this in Jesus’ name. Amen.