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Reignite Our Mission

Matthew 28:18
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

Jesus states with conviction that God the Father has given him all authority before even giving the disciples their marching orders.  Remember that just weeks prior at his crucifixion, the remaining followers fled in fear and hid in the upper room.  Later we’ll discover how the Holy Spirit empowered them but for now they need reminding that Jesus is sovereign and without his power that he so freely shares, we can’t accomplish his tasks for us on this earth.

We pray:  Jesus, you have the power and glory forever.  We must remember that to accomplish you work on earth, we have to rely on your power.  No amount of talent or effort on our part will succeed for your purposes if we aren’t “plugged in” to you as our source of power and strength – we pray for this in your name, Amen.